There’s not only POWER in prayer and fasting, but PURPOSE in it too. Today, I want to share the miracle that our daughter, Tabatha, experienced because of prayer.


A few years ago, Tabatha was in the hospital for two weeks with pneumonia. The doctors had ruled out all the different kinds of pneumonia and couldn’t figure out where the origin of it was. So they decided to just send her home and have the oxygen ready just in case.

So the oxygen tank was delivered to the house and we brought Tabatha home after her two week stay in the hospital. She was still super weak, but we felt like she was going to heal better at the house than she was at the hospital. But when we got her home, and gave her just a little something to eat, she immediately started vomiting. It was really, really debilitating for her weak body. Her bedroom is all the way on the other side of the house, so we moved her right there by the bathroom in our bedroom.

Tabatha was so weak, she could not even sit up… and I was fearful. This was the weakest I’ve ever seen my child except for when she was five months old going through open heart surgery. This was literally the weakest I’d ever seen her. She was scared with a fever and I wondered if we needed to go back into the hospital. But my husband got up, circled the bed, sat down on the floor next to our daughter and began to pray with his hand over her. He just prayed and prayed. I remember coming out of my sleep and there he was, still praying that God would heal our little girl.

The next day, I got up, made my coffee. I thought, “Okay, 9am I’ll go check on her.” So at that time, I quietly opened the door and whispered, “Tabby, are you okay?” She opened her eyes, sat up straight and she said, “I’m all better!” There were no side effects. Her oxygen saturation level was at 98, she had no fever, she was eating everything under the sun, she was healed. I know that it was because my husband sat there and our beautiful God heard him praying, “God, we need a miracle.” “God, heal my little girl.” There’s nothing more powerful than a parent praying for their child in time of need… Or a husband crying out for their wife… Or a mom crying out for the salvation of their kid… Or for the deliverance from drugs and alcohol, etc.


I know there are parents of addicts that are praying, praying and praying for their kids. Not just to quit drugs, because there’s probably something they could do to quit drugs. But they want their child to have life abundant. At our ministry, we we see the need for this because parents who struggle with drugs and alcohol, they come to the end of themselves when they realize that this is having an effect on their kids. So we are a ministry that offers a one year program that helps them hit the reset button. They overcome their addiction by allowing God to restore them and their families.

One of the key components that a lot of Christians don’t even know about the power of is FASTING. 21 years ago, I knew that for the deliverance of my husband, I needed to fast. I was a Christian at the time and he had not yet been saved, and was still battling drugs and alcohol. So I started fasting food. I love food, but I knew that I needed to deny my body of something, just like the word says, and spend that time in prayer. It’s not a magic pill, but it’s following what scripture says to do. Sometimes some things only come from prayer and fasting. It is such a powerful component of prayer. When you deny yourself something such as food, “King Stomach” it’s no longer King… It’s about King JESUS and you’re offering your body as a sacrifice!

If you want to learn more about prayer and fasting click here to listen to a powerful sermon by Pastor John Lindell. Please give it a listen because it will help you understand a little bit about the power that prayer and fasting can bring to your life.